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What is Yoni Steamimg?
Yoni Steaming connects the body with the wisdom of subtle plant medicine to heal, clear the womb, pelvic bowl and sexual organs on a physical and energetic level. By sitting over a bowl of steam and inviting the qualities of the herbs to be absorbed into the vulva and vagina the whole of the pelvic area is filled with nourishment and heat, creating warmth and circulation and for stagnant energy to move.
It is an empowering self care practice that invites women to fully drop into the realm of their inner sanctum and offer her exactly what she needs - warmth to unravel and unwind. The time and space to relax and release and surrender.The very act of allowing the whole yoni to relax and soften is radical healing in itself.
In this ceremony, you will be supported to draw upon your innate power and wisdom to create harmony and balance from within, sink deeper towards your inner resources and enhance your capacity to receive your sumptuous and attentive self love.
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